Mental health holds a great deal of stigma, judgement, and labels. Today symbolizes another step forward to change this understanding; a step towards compassion, empathy, and humanization. So many individuals are touched by mental health, personally or by a loved one.
Mental health is a topic very near my heart as it has affected several loved ones at different points in their lives, and my professional life each and every day.
Mental health is something that alters how individuals are impacted and see the world. It is something that showcases strength and vulnerability; something that I admire!
Today starts the conversation– connect with another person, be open, listen, and be present!
#BellLetsTalk #MentalHealthAwareness
The key piece when working with someone that experiences an addiction is looking past the behaviour and into who that individual is and what brought them to this point.
Addiction Counselling...
Addiction Counselling...