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February 20, 2018
January 31, 2018

The Truth Behind Mental Health…

Mental health holds a great deal of stigma, judgement, and labels. Today symbolizes another step forward to change this understanding; a step towards compassion, empathy, and humanization. So many individuals are touched by mental health, personally or by a loved one. Mental health is a topic very near my heart as it has affected several […]

January 22, 2018

Your Felt Sense…

Your Felt Sense—is an ideal adopted from the work of– Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, by Peter Levine (1997). This is a physical experience (not mental). A full bodily awareness of a situation, or person, or event. An internal aura that encompasses everything you feel and know about the given subject at a given time—encompasses […]

December 11, 2017

Self-Care equals Self-Worth…

“When you find yourself struggling with trust [or others]; step one is to examine how you treat yourself.” -Brene Brown Putting yourself down, second, or last is long lasting on your well-being. The tag word of ‘Self-Care’ can feel overwhelming, not-valid, or not worthwhile. We need to reinvent the idea of ‘Self-Care’ and view it […]

November 16, 2017

Learning to Trust Yourself…

The value of being trusted is one of the most empowering traits to have with yourself and others. Trust is such a simple ideal but is so challenging to put into action, it forces you to be vulnerable. Trust relates to confidence, strength, and ability within yourself. There are many age-old sayings that address trust; […]

October 31, 2017

Self-Compassion, and Compassion for Ourselves

I firmly believe it starts by calling attention to our own negative cognition’s about ourselves. We need to become accountable for our thoughts, judgments, and biases. “First, to have compassion for others you must notice that they are suffering. If you ignore that homeless person on the street, you can’t feel compassion for how difficult […]

October 19, 2017

An Inside Look at Grief…

“Time heals all wounds”– this saying challenges me. I neither agree or disagree with it. I believe it has value with certain wounds but not in others. Time does not heal grief. Time changes it. Time allows you to process it (with hard work and effort). Is not a celebration of end of life. It is […]

August 23, 2017

What to expect when you come into Janine’s office

My office is a warm welcoming environment. You will be greeted by a friendly receptionist staff and will wait briefly in the waiting room area. There are some cold and warm beverages you would be welcome to enjoy as you wait and throughout the session.You will experience an open approach from someone who is invested […]

August 23, 2017

What is your confidentiality policy?

What you discuss during your therapy session is kept confidential. No contents of the therapy sessions, whether verbal or written may be shared with another party without your written consent or the written consent of your legal guardian. The following is a list of exceptions to the confidentiality policy: Under subpoena from a court of […]

August 23, 2017