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August 19, 2019


Holding ourselves accountable for our actions is an essential part of our integrity. Ensuring we are not taking on others perceived judgements is essential to our self-worth. These two factors are easier to state than to accomplish on a daily basis but are essential to our accountability. It is hard to consistently ensure that we […]

July 30, 2019

Self Inventory

Ensuring We are on the Right Path (or Starting a New Path if needed) Taking a self inventory of things we are wanting out of life is a daily experience (or at least that is the goal). Pulling this process from our subconscious and calling attention to it is key. Taking the moment to reflection […]

June 25, 2019

The Power of Our Mindset…

Our thought process is a direct reflection of our emotions and behaviour. From the moment we wake up in the morning the thoughts that are running through our mind are setting the stage for the day. Our thought process often is in a default mode. Ex: “Ah-it’s Monday- I don’t want to go into work […]

May 17, 2019

Relationship between Stress and Memory…

Moderate stress helps us recall information which is helpful when we are intentionally trying to retain information such as studying for a test. Long term stress damages our abilities to hold onto facts (both how we store this information within our brains and how we retrieve it). Reason being that stress does not help us […]

April 9, 2019

Find Your Inner Gratitude

Situations that we do not plan for happen within our lives. These experiences often leave us feeling a sensation of guilt and holding negative cognitions such a: “I am not good enough, or I should have known better.” Naturally our brains are geared to land within self-critical beliefs. We need to be cognitively aware of […]

March 18, 2019


We have fully transitioned into the New Year; at this point we have had three months of experience within our newly set routines. This is a helpful moment to reflect back to how we wanted this year to go. Are we following the path that we set out on? Have we taken on a new […]

January 30, 2019
January 15, 2019

All or Nothing Thinking…

Often times when it comes to a change we have this way of thinking that it has to be ALL or NOTHING. We will not allow ourselves to ease into something and step through the motions—this is relevant when it comes to healthy eating, sleep routines, exercise, employment, or even our thoughts around losing a […]

December 19, 2018

Internal Struggles

Wanted (Internal) Vs. Expected (External)… Patterns around determining what is wanted vs what is expected. This comes to the surface within our circumstances and environment. Often we are finding ourselves contemplating internally for what I want to occur (or set goals for) vs the external element of what others expect me to accomplish (or complete within my […]

November 6, 2018

Boundary Setting

‘Allowing’ Others to Impact Our Self-Esteem… The ideal of not taking others comments, opinions, or judgements personally is our ultimate goal. How do we accomplish this? Often when we hear negative comments from others we attach to them and feel that this person can see into our darkest fears and worst image of ourselves. We […]