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June 30, 2020

Activation within Motivation (Our Processes)

Activation is the specific action or process towards action we take, it is the movement process. Motivation is the desire to have action, ultimately leading towards a completion of an individual goal. It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining one’s objectives. We can have one without the other, but when we can pull upon […]

May 12, 2020

The Beauty within Change…

“Spring —Is a lovely reminder of how truly beautiful change can be.” –Unknown. As we are currently living within a pandemic lots of changes are occurring beyond our control. There is also lots of idle time to focus on those changes, and our inabilities to stop or impact them the way we may desire. Naming […]

April 15, 2020

Find a New Sense of ‘Normal’…

The word ‘normal’ has always had a negative connotation for a lot of people. As ‘normal’ is used as a comparison to identify those that fall into abnormal or not good enough subsections. For the purpose of this post I’m pushing aside those identifications of ‘normal’ and highlighting that ‘normal’ is individualistic, there is no […]

March 24, 2020

Anxiety Vs. Fear-Panic….

Anxiety mobilizes us into action (as long as, we are remaining within our window of tolerance). ‘Some’ anxiety is good. We require it to mobilize us when our alarms go off, when we are expected to be somewhere, and when a task is needed to be completed. Within the current state of our world we […]

February 5, 2020

Am I Enough?—-Yes you are!

Recognizing our internal state of mind and acknowledging our feelings, is a needed process in order to obtain productive and long-lasting growth. Feelings of needing to be more. Feelings of not being enough. Fighting against these feeling is going to pull us further into the negative. 1. Recognizing these feelings, understanding that they are a […]

January 1, 2020

Wish for Failure (the positives within it)

For 2020 what are your hopes, desires, wants and needs. Rather than focusing on a task list of what you need to do in order to be worthy = ‘Resolutions.’ Build a story that you want for yourself with tangible intentions. 2020 hope for failure as it will assure that you have tried something new! […]

December 2, 2019

Stress within the Holidays…

This time of year can bring excitement, joy, and connection. It can also bring reminders of disappointments, sadness, and loneliness. Being mindful that both aspects are a reality for individuals, including shifts from one end of the spectrum to the other. How can you influence which end of the spectrum you fall on? 1. Noticing […]

November 12, 2019

The Anxiety Within Transitions…

When we are going through changes we are faced with unknowns which often create a sense of anxiety for us. Small amounts of anxiety are healthy it lets us know we are motivated and encouraged by the upcoming changes that are headed our way (it feels manageable). The importance piece is to not allow our […]

October 8, 2019

Processing Our Grief…

When we are within our grief journey there is a clear beginning; when we lose that person (that means the world to us), that position (we worked so hard to obtain), or that role (we held within someone’s life). There is no definitive end to our grief, it shifts with us. Grief changes how we […]

September 13, 2019


Fall is almost upon us! This is a transitional season that highlights the beauty of change. It provides an opportunity for reflection of what the past eight months have provided us. Giving us the ability to appreciate and notice our learning’s; and make adjustments for the coming four months to finish the year off how […]