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February 19, 2022

The Concept of: Asking for Help and Offering Help

When Asking for Help…. The idea of asking for help can be a crippling experience base on our lived experiences, and both internal or external pressures and expectations. Which can lead to us struggling through alone and not understanding how to go about asking for help and/or knowing how to accept it. Starting off give […]

January 18, 2022

Our Emotional Capabilities…

Our mental load has a huge influence on what our emotional capabilities are. Understanding what our present day mental load is allows us to have an increase self understanding. This allows us to add insight to what might be causing: a lower ability to remain calm, being inactive in communication, and not functioning at the […]

December 14, 2021
November 23, 2021

Holiday Season and Expectations…

With our recent shift into increased amounts of darkness, colder weather, and snow falling—- the reality starts to sink in that the holiday season is around the corner (if not here already). You might be embracing that holiday spirit, by decorating, shopping planning and looking forward to the upcoming celebrations/return of traditions. Or you might […]

October 13, 2021

The Realities within Grief…

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross defines grief within five stages (1969). They include: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance The realities within these different stages are important to highlight for yourself. Identify what each state of mind looks like for yourself by asking: “When you have felt denial, how does the represent for you […]

September 21, 2021

Change in Seasons (and the Impact)…

As we shift into the next season –Fall; it is an needed time to pause and reflect. It is an important reminder that change can be beautiful and that it can create a significant impact! The colours, fresh morning air, and new flavours (welcomed back), can bring us a sense of hope. This time can […]

August 11, 2021

Methods of Coping…

To feel well (and in control) we need to realize what behaviours set us up for success. What indicators can you see within yourself that highlight you are on a healthy path? What do you notice about your internal tone of voice when you are feeling well, and connected? Then we need to self-reflect to […]

July 13, 2021

Pressures to be ‘Organized’ within our Society…

When it comes to most settings within our society a question is often presented on “How organized are you? /Or How do you remain organized?” These questions can be loaded if you do not find yourself to ‘fit’ the Canadian standard of organization and reality of working yourself to excessive means. Organization is hidden within […]

June 10, 2021

Understanding our Trauma Responses

“Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become expert at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. […]

May 18, 2021

Holding Ourselves Accountable (with Compassion)

Within our current times, I feel it is important now more than ever to ensure we’re holding ourselves accountable to the realities of our current world. The challenges that can come within this are not to be dismissed or devalued, but highlighted to the importance of this work. Some important questions to self-reflect upon: 1. […]