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August 29, 2023

Importance of Sleep

We continuously hear about how important sleep is to our overall well-being. It’s great to acknowledge its importance but also important to develop a plan of action of practical ways to enhance the experience to avoid defeating yourself. Somethings to consider in developing your Sleep Routine: Time windows and Setting expectations/“stories of three” Bedtime—- Setting […]

July 29, 2023

Codependency Loops—-

One of the aspects of the experience of codependency is connected to the attempts of trying to gain control over something (or the entire relationship) as it feels unhealthy, and up to you to “fix it.” It becomes the narrative “if they’d just listen to me, if they’d just get help, etc.” the idea of […]

June 28, 2023

Understanding Our Expectations

Expectations can hold us hostage in our own circumstance. Allowing ourselves to name expectations of the moment, day, and the event is key. Knowing what our minds are focusing on both consciously and unconsciously are key methods to setting the stage for our needs to be acknowledged, met, and wants identified. Holding unchecked expectations is […]

May 25, 2023
April 30, 2023

Understanding our emotional selves…

Being able to label our heavy (often perceived as negative) emotions is key to be able to understand our triggers. By being able to label the emotion we are experiencing we are getting ahead of our subconscious’ attempt to self sabotage. Our subconscious is often pushing us into a survival (or trauma response) unless we […]

March 16, 2023

Understanding What is Underneath Self Sabotage…

Getting out of our own way is required to heal from the instinct and behaviour of Self Sabotage! Self sabotage can be a way we attempt to protect ourselves from further despair or hurt. When in reality we end up creating increased amounts of pain and suffering for ourselves to miss out on opportunities or […]

February 24, 2023

Equitable Households…

The idea of living life with a partner where you are both doing 50-50 in all aspects is not realistic. That can be a harsh statement to read and feel seen in. You may be stressed and overwhelmed currently (or have been for some time) and have had continuous conversations with your partner of needing […]

January 30, 2023

The Bitter and The Sweet…

This time of year —-January is known as the longest, darkest, and often coldest month of the year within Canada. Sometimes within the darkness it’s hard to hold space for the appreciation of the quiet, freshness, and stillness. The theme of ‘bittersweetness’ can be such an important and helpful reminder for our state of mind. […]

December 22, 2022

The Impacts of Our Automatic Responses—

We all have a hard-wiring within our brains that has been written from our development, genetics, experiences, and knowledge base. These four areas shape our understanding and create an automatic response that occurs prior to our brain even registering a reaction (our defaults). Understanding and noticing these automatic responses to situations allows us to further […]

November 21, 2022

Trusting our Gut Instinct and Intuition…

“Trust your instincts, Intuition doesn’t lie.” Oprah Winfrey Trauma often disconnects us from our inner workings of what we need in certain situations. Resulting in us disconnecting from ourselves and putting ourselves into increasingly risky situations. IE: not trusting our gut instinct when it’s telling you to leave the conversation you are in (because that […]